Be the change you wish to see in the world
Be part of the solution
first 100 USERS
We're looking for just 100 people who want to test Psychscope when it's available on the market. We want a beta group of individuals with a history of mental illness, a desire to get better and a need to be apart of a new front in the mental health community.
We're about to kick off our kickstarter campaign, which is a 'vote for mental health'. We're looking to raise enough funds to fully fund Psychscope, and if you'd like to privately donate (and obtain the tons of goodies we have laid out for you), we'd love to hear from you.
The founders of Psychscope are now accepting affiliates and sponsors who share the same vision as Psychscope. The vision of a united world, an open conversation and a way for people to stay afloat among the choppy sea of mental illness.